«FORUM ELECTRO» is a reliable partner of electrical and subcontractors. Cooperation with us means round-the-clock support at all stages of work, starting with the reservation of goods and ending with the design.
We provide you with catalog of more than 400 thousand products, a personal account with personalized prices and the support of specialists in all areas. We will help you with the optimization of estimates, selection of equipment and assembly of the GCC.
meters production area
construction engineers
equipped with modern equipment
of conformity for all products
relationships with leading manufacturers
Working with us is convenient!
All ordered goods are delivered to the object in the right amount and just in time! You can entrust «FORUM ELECTRO» not only the design of power supply systems, but also the development of related documentation.
All manufactured equipment is certified in accordance with the existing national standarts/GOST
Conformity certificate № ТС RU C-RU.МЛ07.В.01083 Series RU №0330121
RF Specification TU 3430-002-57922896-2015
RF Specification TR TS 004/2011 On the safety of low-voltage equipment
RF Specification TR TS 020/2011 Electromagnnetic compatibility of technical means