LLC "MGC" Lighting Technologies "and LLC" VNISI "them. S.Vavilov is informed about the update of the plug-in for LIGHT-IN-NIGHT ROAD
The LIGHT-IN-NIGHT ROAD program was made for lighting design of roads, streets, pedestrian areas, open areas, industrial sites, railways, etc. This is the only Russian program for the design of outdoor lighting, certified in the GOST R system for use in the Russian Federation.
The program is a working tool for professionals. Distributed throughout the post-Soviet space. The main users are designers of multifunctional design institutes and organizations (including specialized road ones), operational services of the Gorsvet structure, development and construction companies, power engineering companies. In total, at the end of 2015, more than 15,000 users were registered.
LIGHT-IN-NIGHT ROAD also becomes a platform for domestic manufacturers that maintain the quality of their lighting devices and eliminate the risk of using fixtures with "unscrupulous" characteristics. Only those devices that have passed the appropriate measurements in the testing center of VNISI named after SI Vavilov will be included in the base of the luminaires of the program.
In the updated plug-in are represented the rulers of the lamps MAGISTRAL LED, FREGAT LED and MARK LED for use on federal routes and in the urban environment!
Download plug-in Light-in-Night Road
Download the program LIGHT-IN-NIGHT ROAD you can here
Download plug-in ща lighting equipment company "Lighting Technology" you can here