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Fire rated cable support systems from the best manufacturers

A wide range of accessories: couplings, ferrules, fittings, boxes

All types of fire-resistant, halogen-free, low-toxic cables

Lightning protection system and earthing

Cables and wires

Goods of FORUM ELECTRO are made up of modern types of cables that provide increased safety of electrical installations: fire-resistant, with reduced smoke and gas evolution (types LS, FRLS, FRHF, LSOH, LSZH, FE90/E30, FE180/E90 and etc.), special purpose and various application conditions: high-temperature and cold-resistant with operation up to -60 ° С. The cables JY (ST) Y, power and control cables, wires are presented.

«FORUM ELECTRO» is a member of RAEC — Russian Association of Electrotechnical Companies — a union of independent electrotechnical distributing companies that occupy a leading position, each one in their region.

«Honest Position» - voluntary association of manufacturers and distributors, actively participating in the transformation of the electrotechnical market.

«Cable without danger» — project aimed at counteracting the proliferation of poor-quality cable and wire products.

Actions and offers

Take a look at the current promotions and special offers in our online store.

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Latest news

25 октября 2017
On this day, workers, specialists, employees, heads of enterprises and organizations of this industry are awarded with a badge "Honored Worker of the Cable Industry"
01 июля 2016
Please see below the explanations of the Coordination Council of the "Cable without Danger" project on the application of GOST 16442-80 "Power Cables with Plastic Insulation. Technical conditions "on the territory of the Russian Federation.
08 июля 2015
JSC FORUM ELECTRO is the official representative of the company "Reka Cables" in Russia

Equipment Delivery

ЖК «Ред Сайд»
Кабельно-проводниковая продукция
Год: 2016 год
Бренд: IEK | DKC
Кабельно-проводниковая продукция | Кабеленесущие системы
Год: 2017 год
ЖК «Сады Пекина»
Бренд: Световые Технологии | Белый свет
Кабельно-проводниковая продукция | Светотехническая продукция
Год: 2016 год
Телецентр «Останкино»
Бренд: NLCO
Кабельно-проводниковая продукция | Светотехническая продукция
Год: 2016 год
Фосфорный комплекс «ФосАгро»
Бренд: DKC | Systeme Electric
Низковольтное оборудование | Кабеленесущие системы | Кабельно-проводниковая продукция
Год: 2017 год
IT Кластер Сколково
Бренд: DKC
Кабельно-проводниковая продукция | Кабеленесущие системы
Год: 2018 год